Patrice Magrath was invited to speak at Breckenridge Nursing School in Ft. Myers on the topic of Osteoporosis on May 23, 2013. As the retired CEO of the International Osteoporosis Foundation Patrice has spent many years working within the disease area and spoke of the devastating effects it has on patients and families. Patrice talked about the epidemiology, incidence and cost both in terms of dollars and quality of life. “The disease effects the elderly in epidemic proportions and the long term consequences are difficult to reverse. The good news is that to a large extent fracture can be prevented with appropriate preventative treatment” noted Patrice. Crystal Campbell, Chair, Department of Nursing, ITT Technical Institute, Breckenridge Nursing School said, “ We are grateful to Patrice for joining us today, the students were enthusiastically engaged throughout the discussion and were astounded by the statistics related to the morbidity and mortality of people with osteoporosis”. Patrice complimented Crystal on the quality of the students; noting how fortunate we are to have such bright nurses entering the work force in our area.
Breckenridge Nursing School invites Patrice Magrath to speak about Osteoporosis.