One issue that is hard for children of elderly parents to discuss is whether their parents need assistance in the home. It becomes difficult because the parents themselves are often resistant to the idea. However, getting older comes with its obstacles. Since many parents won’t admit that they need support, it’s important to be able to look for signs of trouble. Below are some signs to look for.
• Stated or demonstrated inability to manage medications.
• Injuries at home.
• Changes in diet, usually relying more on convenience/junk foods.
• Caregiver fatigue: when family resources do exist, but signs of tiring or emotional strain are present.
• Parent complains of lacking family support.
• Changes in dress, usually becoming more unkempt.
• Decline in personal hygiene.
• Signs of depression.
• Unpaid bills.
• Decreasing mobility.
• Fear of driving, or a clear decline in driving skill.
• Declining cleanliness or safety of the home environment.
This topic is never an easy one to discuss with family. If you or someone you know needs in-home assistance, talk to us. We can make the necessary arrangements based on your individual situation.
Signs Your Parents Need In-Home Assistance