
Lewy Body Dementia Support Group Grows

McKenney Home Care has identified a real need in the community.  The numbers attending the second Lewy Body Dementia Support Group almost doubled in February.  Lewy Body is an under diagnosed form of Dementia and second only to Alzheimer’s Disease.  Lewy Body is characterized by “Parkinson’s like” physical changes, “Alzheimer’s like” memory changes as well as hallucinations (sometimes frightening and sometimes benign) and  “acting out behaviors” which often times are aggressive in nature and can be dangerous for the person and the caregivers.  It is a devastating form of dementia.
If you or someone you know is dealing with the effects of Lewy Body Dementia, please know you are not alone.  Our support group is the first Wednesday of every month and we welcome your participation.

One thought on “Lewy Body Dementia Support Group Grows

  1. Gail Webster says:

    This group has been so helpful for us. Deana is a star!

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