
Family Caregivers: Tips for Planning a Successful Outing

The prospect of planning an outing for your loved one might seem daunting if you are the caregiver. However, with proper steps, it can be less stressful and more fun for everyone. It is important to continue to plan and to enjoy outings as long as possible, being out of the house and social are important aspects of life and help stave off depression. Below are some strategies to use when taking your loved one out:
Consider the Venue Before You Go: No matter where you plan to go; a restaurant, a park, a mall, make sure the facilities meet your loved one’s needs. For example, if you are caring for someone who is wheelchair-bound, make sure the venue has access points for wheelchairs.
Preparation Makes a World of Difference: Think ahead about the potential obstacles you could come across. For example, if your loved one has medicine they need to take, pack the next dosage and take it with you. Even if you are planning to return home in time for the next dose, you could get held up and knowing you have the next dose will reduce everyone’s stress. Pack an extra change of clothes in case of accidents or changes in weather as well.
Plan: Know what the weather is going to be like and know the person you care for. If they are more energetic in the mornings, then that would probably be the best time to have the outing.
It is healthy to continue to participate in the wider world as long as you can.  It is stimulating and provides an opportunity for physical activity as well as socialization for the individual receiving care. They will appreciate the planning and work going into it, and you will be rewarded by seeing them smiling and having fun.

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