We’re approaching what is typically the peak for summer temperatures. Older adults are more vulnerable to heat-related disorders. This is for a variety of reasons ranging from health issues, medication side-effects, or the simple fact that older bodies don’t adjust as well to temperature changes. Whatever the reason, heat stroke and other heat-related issues can become major problems without intervention and treatment. Below we’ll go over ways to identify heat stroke.
• Body temperature above 103 (F)
• Paleness
• Dizziness
• Red, hot, dry skin (with no sweating)
• Cool, moist skin
• Nausea
• Severe headache
• Fainting
• Loss of consciousness
If you suspect someone has had heat stroke, call for help. While waiting for emergency personal, get the person to some shade and cool down the person with cool water or ice. Also, do not give them alcohol to drink.
Heat stroke is serious and should always be regarded as such.
Recognizing Heat Stroke in Older Adults