Caregiving is a stressful task; no one would say otherwise. The stress can lead to burnout, including serious negative health issues as well as anxiety and depression. We often see the Caregiver dying before the person they are caring for. Respite care is meant to help remedy that. Respite care is provided so that the primary caregiver can take a break from his or her duties. It’s imperative to allow family caregivers to take a break on a regular basis. Some of the benefits of respite care are:
• Allowing time for self-care: Time away from caregiving allows the caregiver to take care of themselves.
• Allowing time for errands: Time away from caregiving can allow the caregiver to take care of errands such as shopping.
• Allowing time for social engagement: Respite care can help free up a caregiver to spend time with friends and loved ones.
• Allowing time for relaxation: Caregiving is stressful. Caregivers need time to unwind all that stress.
If you or your loved ones need respite care, remember we are here to help. Our aides can help care for your loved one while you go out and do what you need to do for yourself.
Respite Care: What Is It and How Does It Benefit People